Welcome to the  ICMC - USP  acm Programming Contest - South American Regional team !


Marcelo Couto - Mestrado
Ricardo Fodra - 95
Sandro Silveira

Coach: Fulvio Parmejjani - 94

We finished in 5th place (Brazil and Argentina) and in 7th place (South America) !

São Paulo Site - Final Results (Brazil and Argentina):

Rank   Site  Team                          Solved  Penalty
1      26    Universidad de Buenos Aires      5      753
2      12    Univ. Fed. Pernambuco            4      421
3      27    IME - USP                        3      323
4      19    Esc. Politécnica - USP           3      481
5      01    USP Sao Carlos                   2      223
6      16    Univ. Fed. Rio Gr. do Sul        2      253
7      20    Univ. Fed. Rio de Janeiro        2      275
8      24    UNICAMP                          2      422
9      22    Fundação Univ. Rio Grande        2      544
10     09    Univ. Fed. Minas Gerais          2      548
11     15    Univ. Fed. Viçosa                1      43
12     06    Informática PUC-RS               1      50
13     08    Univ. do Vale do Paraíba         1      62
14     21    UNESP São José Rio Preto         1      112
15     14    Matemática PUC-RS                1      138
16     18    Univ. Fed. Paraíba               1      176
17     28    Instituto Militar de Engenharia  1      187
18     13    PUC-MG                           1      348
19     02    UFMS                             0      0
19     03    Centro Univ. do Triângulo        0      0
19     11    Univ. Fed. Espiríto Santo        0      0
19     25    Univ. Caxias do Sul              0      0

Final Results for South America:

Rank   Team                             Solved    Penalty
1      Universidad de Buenos Aires         5        753
2      Univ. Fed. Pernambuco               4        421
3      IME - USP                           3         323
4      Univ. del Zulia (1) - Venezuela     3         377
5      Esc. Politécnica - USP              3         481
6      PUC de Santiago (Chile)             3         494
7      USP Sao Carlos                      2         223
8      Univ. Fed. Rio Gr. do Sul           2         253
9      Univ. Fed. Rio de Janeiro           2         275
10     Univ. de los Andes - Venezuela      2         369
11     UNICAMP                             2         422
12     Fundação Univ. Rio Grande           2         544
13     Univ. Fed. Minas Gerais             2         548
14     Universidad de Chile                2         600
15     Pont. Univ. Javeriana (1)-Colombia  1         22
16     Univ. de los Andes - Colombia       1         42
17     Univ. Fed. Viçosa                   1         43
18     Informatica PUC-RS                  1         50
19     Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso  1         60
20     Univ. do Vale do Paraíba            1         62
21     Univ.Cat. Andrés Bello(1)-Venezuela 1         74
22     Pont. Univ. Javeriana (1)-Colombia  1         77
23     Universidad Central de Venezuela    1         111
24     UNESP São José Rio Preto            1         112
25     Matemática PUC-RS                   1         138
26     Univ. Cat. del Norte (Antofagasta)  1         165
27     Univ. Simón Bolivar (1) - Venezuela 1         168
28     Univ. Fed. Paraíba                  1         176
29     Instituto Militar de Engenharia     1         187
30     Univ. Centro Lisandro Alvarado (2)  1         221
31     PUC-MG                              1         348
32     Centro Univ. do Triângulo
       Univ. Catolica Andrés Bello (2)
       Univ. Central de Venezuela (2)
       Univ. Centro Occ. Lisandro Alvarado (1)
       Universidad Concepción
       Universidad de Carabobo (1)
       Universidad de Carabobo (2)
       Universidad del Zulia (2)
       Universidad Rafael Urdaneta
       Universidad Simón Bolivar (2)
       Univ. Tec. Federico Santa María - Valparaiso
       Univ. Caxias do Sul
       Univ. Fed. Espiríto Santo 
       Univ. Fed. do Mato Grosso do Sul

Conditions for Participating:

Undergraduate and graduate students in the area of Informatics and related who belong to South American institutions may participate in the contest.
These students will constitute teams of up to three elements. Two of them must necessarily be undergraduates; only one graduate student will be allowed per team, provided that he/she has not concluded the second year  of his/her graduate program, and has not obtained a previous graduate degree.

Each school within an university may have only one team competing.

Printed material related to the Programming Contest will be distributed in English only.

Team Selection:

Internal contest, following the same rules of acm.  The deadline to the team definition was 29 October 1998.

Past Problems:

1998 ACM Programming Contest Finals.
1997 ACM Programming Contest Finals.
1996 ACM Programming Contest Finals.
1995 ACM Programming Contest Finals.
1994 ACM Programming Contest Finals.
1993 ACM Programming Contest Finals.
1992 ACM Programming Contest Finals.
1991 ACM Programming Contest Finals.

About the Contest:

The International Collegiate Programming Contest, organized by ACM - Association for Computing Machinery, is a worldwide event made up of over then 20 regional contests and nearly 4000 of the brightest computer science students as contestants. In each contest, teams race against the clock to solve the most problems in the fewest attempts in the least amount of time. From these students which represent 700 universities in 40 countries, fewer then 200 earn a place at the World Finals, to be held in Eindhoven - Netherlands. 


The top ten teams at the World Finals will be awarded scholarships of $9,000 for first place; $4,500 for second place; and $1,500 each for third through tenth places. Furthermore, The North American Champions, the Latin American Champions, the European Champions, the South Pacific Champions, and the Asian Champions will be recognized. But perhaps the biggest reward will be the job offers that are likely to come. Companies under pressure to find top talent realize that these contestants are among the best and the brightest.
This year, three sites will comprise the South American Regional Contest, one in São Paulo - Brazil , one in Antofagasta - Chile and one in Caracas - Venezuela.

Who Will Advance to the Finals:

The champions of each site will automatically advance to the World Finals provided that they have achieved the minimum score of 60% of correctly solved problems. Otherwise, all non-advancing teams will be ranked in one list according to their final score and the best teams will take the remaining slots. 

Activities at the ICMC:

The internal contest took place on wednesday 28 October. The regional contest was held at USP - Sao Paulo on 14 November 1998.

For more information about the contest:

acm Programming Contest.

If you have any questions e-mail me: dilvan@icmc.sc.usp.br


Copyright 1997 by Dilvan Moreira.