Ontology Based Model

Ontology Based Model for Hybrid Reasoning

An Ontology Based Model was studied to augment the Behavior Based Model to form a hybrid reasoning system. Capable of handling symbolic processing and behavior based actions.

To attain a level of behavior comparable to humans, computer systems have to be able to handle language. Language is very important to human intelligence (symbolic reasoning). It shapes the human brain (many parts of the brain are specialized in processing different aspects of language).

An Ontology Based Model is being studied to augment the Behavior Based Model to form a hybrid reasoning system. Capable of handling symbolic processing (including language) and behavior based actions (encapsulated in software components).

Dealing with any natural language is very difficult. To solve this problem the system uses a restricted form of natural language represented using ontologies and UCL (Universal Communication Language), a XML language derived from UNL (Universal Network Language). Unfortunately, when UNL was created, it was not open software. For that reason and to attain XML (eXtensible Markup Language) compatibility, we developed UCL based on the concepts of UNL, but implemented in XML. UCL unites the simplicity of XML (a Web standard) to the power of UNL.

We are now developing software to allow programming using restricted natural language (through UCL) and software components (written in Java). In the future, as UNL and its translators evolve, it will be possible for UCL to work with other restricted natural language beside English, such as Portuguese, French, Spanish, etc.

Research activities (some material may be in Portuguese):

SemanticAgent, a Platform for the Development of Intelligent Agents.

Percival Lucena: Thesis (pdf) and presentation (PowerPoint). Download Software: SemanticAgent.zip.

UCL - A Communication Language for Software Agents.

Carlos Montesco: Thesis (pdf) and presentation (PowerPoint). Download Software: ucl.zip.

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